Friday, April 27, 2012

What to eat, what to eat.

Are you someone in college or someone who has little to no desire to go food shopping just to spend a butt-load of money on a very small amount of groceries? Good. Because this is exactly the person I am. Although I am ending my college career with the G-word in just a few short weeks, I know that my burning desire to spend the least amount of money and time in the grocery store will continue with me after I get that diploma.

My diet has changed much through my four years here at Saint Joseph's University from always eating in the school cafeteria to always eating out else where. One thing is, I rarely cook because I rarely feel like it and I don't want to spend the money on groceries. Well, my bank account has felt the wrath of my spending habits and so one night I was ravaging through my almost empty kitchen cabinets for something to eat for dinner. What did I see? Top Ramen. A favorite of my friend's and mine when we were in our Freshman dorms and the only thing we had was a microwave. Plus, at 99 cents a packet, how could I resist the investment?! I actually loved ramen when I was a freshman but now, I have a more mature palate so I felt the blandness of it would not be enough for me. So i brainstormed and after microwaving the noodles, I put the stove on and sauteed those babies up with some extra ingredients found in my fridge. What I got was something 100x better than what I ever could have imagined. I just took Top Ramen and brought it to the next level.

Like in Plato's Allegory of the cave, it is my job to go back and let all the ill-informed know about what I have discovered and how I discovered it! So for all who want to read on my first few posts will be pretty simple and hopefully, together, we can come up with great ways to keep making Top Ramen a glamourous meal.

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